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Why Tick Yard Treatment Is So Important

May 19, 2023

Summer is a time of fun in the sun! Many people during this time spend many of their days outside of their homes. Whether they're taking hikes in the woods or doing yard work around their property, there is a lingering threat that many people forget about. Ticks, although small, can be very dangerous and run rampant during the summer season. In fact, according to the CDC, ticks are the most active from April to September. The worst part is, they could easily be on your own property. Thankfully, there are measures you can take to treat these pesky bugs and keep your lawn tick free. Here are some important reasons why tick yard treatment is crucial.

Ticks Carry Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is incredibly dangerous and is oftentimes carried by ticks. The last thing you want is the chance of getting Lyme disease every time you step into your backyard or landscaped area. Combating ticks has been an ongoing process for many individuals that live in wooded or swampy areas. According to the CDC, the number of people affected by Lyme disease has roughly doubled since 1991, proving that ticks are more prominent than ever before. As a homeowner, you have to be vigilant against these pests and take the threat of Lyme disease seriously. Tick yard treatment would be a solid defense against ticks and Lyme disease. Make sure to ask your local landscaping and tick management company for assistance in protecting your property. Taking the initiative now and treating your yard might make the difference in having you or a family member affected by Lyme disease in the future.

Ticks Can Give You Other Bacterial Infections and Diseases

As dangerous as Lyme disease is, it's unfortunately not the only thing that ticks can carry. In fact, according to the CDC, ticks can also carry babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasmosis, Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever, tularemia, and various forms of skin rashes. These can range from a small nuisance to deadly. Therefore, it's important to take the proper steps and make sure your property is free from these pests with professional tick yard treatment. There's no point in taking chances when it comes to ticks. Even one bite could infect you or a loved one with a dangerous disease or bacterial infection. It's best to talk to professionals and ask about the best way to go about tick removal. They'll be able to provide you with valuable insight and a game plan on how to remove them from your property. The sooner you have it done, the less time you'll be putting yourself and anyone that lives with you at risk.

Ticks Can Harm Your Pets

Besides Lyme diseases and other infections, ticks are a nuisance even beyond humans. These bugs can even affect your pets too. In fact, it's oftentimes more common. For example, if you let your dog out to go play in the grass in your yard, there's a good chance your pet could pick up a tick when they're out, especially if they are going into heavily wooded areas with bushes and tall grass. All it takes is your dog to roll into something with a tick on it and they could get them. Due to this, it's especially important to check your pets for ticks whenever they go outside. Outdoor cats also can pick them up very easily, so it's critical to check them when possible, especially since they can't remove the tick themselves. If you're looking to protect your pets, be sure to hire a professional for tick yard treatment. They'll be able to help you keep your pet disease and tick-free.

As a homeowner, it's important to keep your property in good condition. One of the best ways to do that is to be vigilant against ticks. If you're looking for tick yard treatment for your lawn, contact us today at Thomas J Costello Landscaping LLC. Our professionals will be able to get rid of any ticks that may present themselves at your home. Call us today for more information regarding our tick control services and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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